Elk Grove Unified School District Recognized May 14 as Hmong American Day
I am excited to share with you the latest news in the Elk Grove Unified School District. During a recent meeting, Madam President Sharis Espinoza, Mr. Track, members of the board, Superintendent Hoffman, and Miss Avalos gathered to discuss a proposal that could impact the community significantly. The proposal, presented by Miss Black, recommended designating May 14, 2023, as Hmong American Day.
May 14, 1975, was a critical day for the Hmong people. It marked the final airlift evacuation of soldiers and families from Laos to a refugee camp in Thailand. Since then, the Hmong community has played a crucial role in building a diverse California, contributing socially, politically, and economically to our state. Many Hmong Americans have become successful professionals, ranging from teachers, engineers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, business owners, professional athletes, firefighters, soldiers, and elected officials.
The proposal aims to recognize and celebrate the contributions of the Hmong people to American society. In recognition of their sacrifices, bravery, and struggles, Miss Black humbly requested that the board adopt Resolution 77, which designates May 14, 2023, as Hmong American Day. The board members listened to the proposal, and Mr. Track took the opportunity to make a comment before proceeding with the motion.
Mr. Track, a board member of the Elk Grove Unified School District and of Hmong descent, expressed his pride in announcing that the EGU Board has adopted the Hmong American Day resolution. This adoption would start on May 14th of this year and continue on May 14th of each subsequent year. He commended the Hmong people for their bravery as a minority group in Laos who shared the same beliefs and ideology of the American people, striving for democracy, freedom, and the opportunity to chase their dreams.
Mr. Track also acknowledged the sacrifices made by the Hmong soldiers and their families during the Vietnam War, where around 30,000 to 40,000 of them were killed fighting alongside the United States. He asked everyone to take a moment to acknowledge and recognize these sacrifices and the role played by the Hmong people.
The Hmong people have come a long way since their evacuation to Thailand in 1975. Today, they are taxpayers and contributors to the United States of America. The resolution passed by the EGU Board of Education and staff marks a significant milestone for the Hmong people in the community and the country.
This decision is a step towards acknowledging and honoring the Hmong people’s history, stories, and contributions. Hmong American Day will serve as a reminder to the community of the importance of diversity and inclusion. We should all take a moment to recognize the Hmong people’s contributions to the community and the country.